Monday, December 16, 2013

Fencing The Others Out

Fencing The Others Out

A true picture of us at large
is hard to fabricate in an age
of the proliferation of our own
shop'd image, where we now find
ourselves truly shown is only,
like that of our own ghost, in an
after-image, seen from behind;
as we come into light suddenly
out of the shadows and light upon
an unexpected candid mirror we
suddenly see a true picture
of ourselves, of our times.

If these moments are now
only to be found in detail, the
small details such as the Law
goes to in the Fence Act, for
example. where actions on, say,
fences for the Melbourne region,
were just several hundred for
the long passe' decades, it is not
because we do not care or believe
in worthy causes like whales or
coral reefs or poverty in Africa
or eliminating the sex-slave trade

but because our public and lauded
espousal for generosity in giving
is not the same as our private
religion of desire for personal
space and power which has seen
new uses of the Fence Act balloon
tenfold, to the several thousands
of daily legal actions now taken
against our immediate neighbors
by us or our own in our want
for fencing the others out.

- Wayne David Knoll, 17 Dec 2013