Friday, March 25, 2011


Virtual Google Interview –

by Wayne David Knoll – February 2011

What, essentially, is Google?
A virtual search engine.

Is their business real or virtual ?
Both virtual and real.

How real?
Its Sponsored Links are Ad’s.

What is their virtual business?
Purveying information.

Old or new information?
They cover both.

They just repeat old information?
Yes, but they multiply it, broadcast it.

What sort of information?
Facts of history and biography.

Is that all?
No, they’re encyclopaedic: geography, climate.

Didn’t we know all this before?
They search out, and increase the knowledge.

So, they’re experts in old information?
Yes, but they also publish new.

What new information?
Virtual Celebrity Biographies.

Oh, spare me! Is that all they do?
No, they cover Climate Change?

Google purvey the belief in Climate Change?
The whole debate, but, for a good part, yes.

And they make money from the Ad’s?
From the very first boom.

So, is that all that the Google people do?
No, they have a cutting-edge real business now.

What business is that?
WeatherBill Incorporated.

And what is WeatherBill?
A Global Weather Insurance Company.

And what do WeatherBill purvey?
Total Weather Insurance –

And who would buy that?
Businesses, fisherman, farmers, events, governments, anyone.

They insure totally against the weather?
That is exactly what they do.

Does total mean extremes of weather?
Yes, people are apprehensive of that.

But why might that be able to be a success?
People fear bad weather caused by Climate Change.

Why would people fear Climate Change
Because it’s been broadcast far and wide.

Broadcast far and wide, - by Google?
With everything else of current interest, yes.

How, then, can they insure, in the light of this new information?
Ah, maybe you forget.

....... They also have old information.

p.s. this web log is brought to you by Google

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