Sunday, February 18, 2007


There were heaps of nets:
wives & children, dependants,
parents, dying Grandma and Pa,
old friends with secrets,
habits like Uncles, Aunts,
the game, neighbours in shame,
traditions of competitiveness.

There where heaps of nets, in knots
Ahab's to be supplied, fish to produce,
moneylenders owed, employees,
dowry wine, bellies to be satisfied,
rates, taxes, boats to be upkept,
ropes to be spliced, knots fixed
people to avoid, entanglements.

There were heaps of nets,
nets to mend, lakes of mending,
repair hills, all coils and catchings,
contagious as fishing, like mates,
like the knack, like what you know,
like this place, like scruples, opinions,
like doing the job, like nine to five
like commitments, double loops.

There were cogs to mesh, heaps
of nets, like society, like morality,
fixed ties, like meetings, be responsible,
like appointments, like church,
like school, like bonds, like the busy,
like houses, like backyards, like washinglines,
like pegs and baskets, holding in, fast.

There were heaps of nets,
armfuls, bodyfuls, lifefuls of nets,
like the past, like family graves,
like path ruts, like bridles,
like ploughfurrows, like farms,
like apronstraps, nailbelts, pens,
like gavel and wig, like workplace.

There were beds of nets, heaps
like suburb, like possessions, cars,
collections, manipulations, expectations.
all catching, all gripping, all interknitted,
like tea cosies over the familiar drink,
all valuable, all opportune, all precious,
and Jesus said: "Leave your nets
And follow me."

Wayne David Knoll 1993

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thankyou for this poem Wayne. The invitation to "leave your nets" is a constant challenge in the midst of everyday life. How does one live responsably with the 'nets' one is given in life with out getting caught in them. At what point does abandoning these nets become following Christ? I've seen some very reckless abandoning of 'nets' which looks very much like a departure from Christ's ethos and teaching. It's very important to keep grappling with this challenge.